Medical Disclaimer
The content provided by BREWNICE LLC and/or is provided for informative and entertainment purposes only. The contents and products shown on this website and related social media accounts are not to be substituted for professional medical advice or used for medication or treatment. As with all supplements, always consult a medical professional to make sure the products sold on this website and/or affiliated websites are right for you. Never use any of the products or information on this website as a substitute for medical advice. The statements, information, products, reviews and services on this website are not guaranteed and results vary from one individual to another due to various reasons including but not limited to: usage patterns, individual body type, hormonal changes, and more. Do not use this product if you are nursing or pregnant.Do not consume if you have any reactions or allergies to any of the ingredients. Do not take take if you have any physical or mental conditions (including but not limited to anxiety, depression, etc.) that may be affected by any of the ingredients/caffeine in any of the products sold on this website. These products may cause nervousness, irritability, or trouble sleeping (depending on specific tolerance/reaction) Stop taking and seek medical attention immediately if you have any unusual reactions after ingesting. Must be 18 years old or older to purchase.The content of this website is for informative purposes. The statements made and products sold on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The content and products displayed and or sold on this website are not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. (BrewNice LLC) cannot be held liable nor do we take any responsibility for any consequence, injury or damages that may result from any attempt to use, misuse, adopt, or adapt any of the information presented on this website and or products on this website and affiliated websites/social media accounts.